Barbara Deutsch

It's Been A Week...

One official week of residency in the Big Smoke and I am sick.  Literally.  I arrived last Monday and was the proud recipient of a four or five day cold and a massive allergic reaction (to what, I do not know - though my hypothesis thinks it may have had something to do with the election results) that presented itself in the form of a rash over most of my body.  I've spent the last four days recuperating and trying to get somewhat active again after hiding out in the apartment. To be fair, though, it hasn't been all bad.

After a late evening on set Sunday night, I got back to my temporary residence in Ottawa to pack.  I had to be up at 3:30 a.m. to catch a bus at 4:30 to reach a train that would be leaving at 5:45.  Why so early?  Because I had a commercial audition waiting for me in Toronto that morning.

Exciting, I know! And of course, I barely slept for fear of missing out on my alarm.  And though I dozed on the train, I also did some work, because, you know, that's what I do.  I picked up a publicist gig for 'I' - a show that will be up at The Gladstone in Ottawa as of November 18th - and so I was busy with that.  (I'm pretty excited about this piece and the people involved.  More on that in another blog post, but here's a link to the main website to tide you over.)

The audition went well and, after a quick shower, I headed to my creative coaching workshop with Barbara Deutsch. I've talked about her here before.  I always feel amazing when I leave her workshop; inspired and ready to work.  But this time, things with me felt different.

You know, I have a tendency to do too much. (A collective "no shit" is suddenly heard across the horizon.)  So, it was decided that I should just relax, maybe pick up a hobby instead of working all the time.  It would be easy in Toronto since I don't know as many people or know where/when things are happening (yet).  I'm doing everything right when it comes to my acting career, but all this pushing I keep doing to move forward really isn't helping.  It's like paddling against the current.  A draining and pointless labour.

Not only did I realized I had to stop, but I got sick enough that I was forced to do so.

And it's been haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!

I don't like this feeling.  Not doing anything makes me feel... useless. I so intrinsically identify myself with what I am "doing" that I have no idea who I am when I'm not. Needless to say, I got bored.  Then I got depressed.  Is this what workaholism is all about?  I guess so.  I'm like an addict going through some sort of detox and craving a fix.  I worked on a press release, sent out some emails, updated my marketing resume and applied for a job today just so I didn't feel like a waste of space.  How fucked is that?

The sickness is slowly going away now.  I know it's all related with my move.  Change and the unknown magnifying my own fears.  No matter how great the place I'm living in currently is (and trust me, it's super sweet and safe and comforting), I miss my home, my cat, my old life.  But I want more.  And growing pains will come with that.  I just need to breathe through the panic and stay the course.

Just Open the Door

I just got back from a pretty amazing trip to Toronto. Seriously, it was better than I could have possibly imagined. And to think I almost didn't go. In December, I had taken a pretty incredible workshop with an equally incredible lady named Barbara Deutsch. I knew she was coming back to Toronto in February and I really wanted to be there. In addition, I had two TO agents interested in meeting with me who were just waiting until the day I was coming down to schedule an appointment. You'd think I would have just jumped on that right then and there, right?

Unfortunately, my finances are incredibly tight at the moment and I just didn't think I could do it or justify it. I was feeling pretty bad. I don't like not being able to do what I really want to be doing because I'm lacking something as silly as money so I was desperately looking for a way to make it happen. I could afford the workshop, but not the trip down... I searched for a ride, tried to find discounted fares, but nothing was working. And then about 3 days before the workshop was set to begin, it hit me: I've been collecting Via Rail points for the last ten years! I have enough points for approximately 6 trips to Toronto.

The relief I felt was immediate. And the weird thing was that as soon as I opened the door to Toronto, everything just came pouring in with ease: the workshop still had room, the agents promptly replied to my emails, friends came out of the woodwork to meet with me (more on that later!), and, best of all, I started getting auditions!

I can't even begin to tell you how well things have been going for me lately, even before this whole trip to TO (which I'm repeating again on Sunday). I'm happy with my job, my Ottawa agent, my acting career and the path it's on... and all of this started happening when I just shifted my perspective on things.

My Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending an amazing workshop in Toronto with Barbara Deutsch. Barbara is a creative coach who helps artists break through certain blocks they might be experiencing with regards to their careers. This is exactly what I needed: I've taken lots of classes, I've created my own work and I'm constantly seeking out new opportunities, but when it comes to career advancement, I feel like I've hit a plateau. The class was fairly big, but Barbara is incredibly adept at making sure everyone's individual needs were met. She's intuitive and doesn't waste any time getting to the root of a problem if you are willing to listen.

The vibe in Toronto was really different from what I was used to in Ottawa. I felt it immediately when I walked in. Though the experience level varied (from recent theatre school grads to principals in film and TV roles) there was no doubt in my mind that all these people were are 'working actors' even if they weren't currently appearing in something. It was an intimidating sensation, at first, as I fell prey to the 'What the hell am I doing here?/I don't belong in this room' doubts. I sat in the front row (keener that I am to absorb as much knowledge as I can) but I didn't feel 'present'.

Then Barbara helped me solve a big personal block. I won't get into here, but the solution was a simple one: 'Make it about the other person.'

As an actor, I've heard this a million times before. When you're on stage, you're not working alone (even when doing a one person show, there's an audience involved) and it's important to listen to your scene partner and make it about them. I never clued in that this was something I could be doing in my everyday life. When I make it about the other person, I'm not worried about me anymore ('How's my hair?' 'Does this outfit make me look fat today?' 'OMG, they probably think I'm such a dork!' ect.) and I just relax.

I started using this little trick over the holidays and I can't believe the improvements I've seen in my attitude and my life in general. I'm a much happier person for it.

2010 is going to be a great one! New Year's Resolutions coming soon!