This project would not have been possible without the generous support of the following sponsors and supporters.
Sponsors & Supporters
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If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our team members will get back to you.
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our campaign on Indiegogo! This documentary would not have been possible without you.
Lois Dawson
Lydia DiFrancesco
Madeleine Hall
Malcolm Andrews
Marie-Helene Villeneuve
Mark Jeays
Matt Holmes
Matthew Champ
Matthew White
Megan Mooney
Michelle Adams
Mirabelle Daigle
MK Piatkowski
Nadine Thornhill
Nancy Oakley
Natalie Roy
Nathan Howe
Nicholas Dave Amott
Nicole Carvell
Patrice Hall
Paula MacPherson
Peter Janes
Phil Rickaby
Randy Kelly
Ray Besharah
Renne Hartleib
Richard Cliff
Richard Gilmore
Richard Groen
Robin Guy
Rowena Hall
Samira Rose
Sara Bynoe
Sophie Croteau
Steven Drover
Susan Freedman
Thomas A MacGowan
Valerie Bogan
W Thomas Leroux
Zoe Broom
Allison Harris
Amanda Lynn Petrin
Anne Reitbauer
Arden Usin
Arianne Matte
Ashley Proulx
Autumn Scouler
Bob LeDrew
Brenda O'Connor
Brian Carrol
Brian Kitchell
Christine Lesiak
Cory Thibert
Dale Windle
Derrick Chua
Devon Moore Stonehocker
Dominic Martel
Doug Beaton
Emily Pearlman
Iain Moggach
Jan Paskovith
Jason Neufeld
Jeffrey Lefebvre
Jennifer Dekker
Jess Dawson
Jessica Rashotte
Joanna Maracle
Julia Mackey & Dirk van Stralen
Julie Sinclair
Karine Huffman
Kathy Navackas
Katie Braidwood & Andrew Phoenix
Kevin Burton
Kevin Newcomen
Kevin Reid
Laura Hall
Leslie Cserepy
Linda Bedford
Lisa Bishop-Spencer
Lisa Meuser
Liz & Clayton Watson