May Day Improv

I have the utmost respect for people who do improv. You're up there, in front of a (hopefully) large crowd of drunkards who want you to do something funny and you have nothing to fall back on. No script, no planned rehearsals. Just you, your wits, and the support of your teammates (who may or may not be the drunkards themselves) . It's a scary feeling and when/if you bomb, it can hurt. But when it is done well? Man, is the victory ever sweet. Lately, the Ottawa Improv Scene has truly been blossoming thanks to a variety of Improv Awareness events brought about by the fine folks at Crush Improv. And they're not done yet!

This coming Friday, May 1st, at 8:30 p.m., they will be hosting the first of many improv events at GoGo’s in the Byward Market (349 Dalhousie St.). Crush Improv hits the stage in what "promises to be the next great comedy venue in Ottawa" (here's hoping!) for a show scheduled to take place every second Friday. Since it's improv, it will be a different show EVERY TIME, so you better attend them all to make sure you don't miss anything! Oh and it's an all ages event. Just be sure to bring some i.d.

I look forward to seeing you at the May Day event!