This is going to sound very biased, since it's about a show my company, Evolution Theatre, is putting on, but those who know me know that I just wouldn't be saying anything if I hated it, so here goes: I'm not a theatre critic, but I know what I like and pool (no water) at the Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre is a great show!
Seriously, I don't think I've seen anything like it in Ottawa for quite some time. Though the stage set-up is reminiscent of Third Wall's Empire Builders, that's pretty much where the similarities end.
It's a show performed by a Group. The actors work well together to spin a tale of jealousy and ego and artistic integrity.
If you've ever felt jealous of someone who keeps doing better than you and wished you could spit out all that anger and disappointment and resentment at them, you will relate to this show. If you've ever taken a photo and posted it on facebook only to have the subject tell you to take it down immediately, you will relate to this show.
I'm not saying that it was all perfect. Opening night was the cast's first time with an audience and I had pacing and volume issues, however these will correct themselves throughout the run. But it was beautiful, enjoyable, funny and disgusting all at the same time. It made me feel something and that was wonderful.
The Canadian premiere of Mark Ravenhill's pool (no water) runs until May 16 at the Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre Studio - 1233 Wellington Street (corner of Holland and Wellington). For more info about the play or to check out showtimes, visit Evolution Theatre's website: - Order tickets by calling 613 236 5196