
Edmonton Fringe Wrap-up

  Only in Edmonton

I must apologize for the lack of blog posts lately, but the Edmonton International Fringe Festival can quickly become all-consuming. First of all, unlike Ottawa or the upcoming Atlantic Fringe Festival, performances begin at noon every single day, which means you often need to be out on the Fringe grounds early if you want to catch a crowd and let them know why they should come and see your show. Somehow with all this work, I also managed to catch 18 shows.

But now that it's over... Gosh. What an experience!

Touring a solo show is, as you might expect, lonely work. Often, I found myself wishing I had a stage manager traveling with me, not because my technicians weren't great (in fact they were stellar!), but both for the company and the extra help. The number of times I've gone rushing off to buy more floor tape or popcorn prop at the last minute because my brain was occupied with other things... Let's be honest, the craziness of opening day never really went away.

Unfortunately, though I made more money at this particular festival than at any other so far, it is definitely not financially viable for me to bring an extra person with me. Not unless it was on someone else's dime.

That said, I love this show and the Fringe so very much. This is hard work for little money and sometimes it does get to the point where I wonder why I am even doing this. But I am living a pretty charmed life. I get to travel and put on shows. I've created a family for myself on this circuit. A rag-tag bunch of people who care for and support each other, often upon the first meeting. We celebrate each other's successes and commiserate in each other's sorrows because we've been there. These are some of the most creative, talented and driven people I have ever met. I love and trust them unconditionally.

I also learned a lot at this festival:

  • I am great a flyering line-ups. It's hard, gruelling work at times, but I am really good at talking to people and letting my passion shine through. Oh and it looks pretty awesome when I do it on roller skates. One performer actually stopped me after witnessing me flyer to say "Damn you. Damn you and your charming ways. You just totally charmed that couple. I saw it." I strongly believe that the three hours I spent flyering on the last day of Fringe was a big factor in my sold out show.
  • Star ratings matter and the Edmonton Journal review matters the most. I know we all like to think that people are open-minded and reviews don't matter, but when there are over 200 shows at a festival, audiences need some kind of guidance. Unfortunately, although I got 4 star reviews from both Vue Weekly and Global TV, I got 3.5 from the Edmonton Journal. Now 3.5 is not bad and if you actually take the time to read the review, you see that it is incredibly positive (to the point where I wonder how I got 3.5). But there is an abundance of 4, 4.5 & 5 star reviews out there too. 3.5 puts you in the middle of the pack. And every day, the Journal releases a list with just the stars up to that point and no reviews. I've seen many people in line with this list, waiting to get tickets at the box office for the 4 and up stuff with no idea what they were about to see. I've witnessed conversations where folks chose one show above another based solely on the higher star rating. It's not exactly fair, since this is one person's opinion, but there you have it. I guarantee you that that little .5 cost me at least $500 in revenue.
  • My new sound design is awesome: It's sexy and polished and really brings the show to another level. A huge thanks to Steven Lafond for that one.
  • For someone who has never ever been to the Edmonton Fringe before, I did really well. I have to remember that. My lowest attended show was about 60 people on a Monday at 11pm. Most of the time I averaged 75 and up. I know lots of folks who played to houses of 10 or less.
  • I did not budget for taxis. The Edmonton Fringe gives a free bus pass to performers and volunteers. Awesome! Unfortunately, the bus schedule isn't the best during the day and almost non-existant at night. I found myself taking a lot of taxis, which quickly added up.
  • The roller derby community really loves this show: I received a ton of great support from the Edmonton roller derby community. They skated with me in the parade, flyered the fringe grounds on roller skates, handed out programs, sold my merch, and came to see the show. I also got reacquainted and received a lot of support from the incredible Hoochie Mama who runs Bad Girlfriend Skates. She sponsored some of my new gear for the show (including outdoor skating wheels), got me some new merch to sell, and made me a mean BBQ dinner. She's actually the reason this show exists in the first place when, way back in 2009, she allowed me to sit in on one of the first Canadian Roller Derby Bootcamps for research purposes. Many of the stories I collected that weekend are still in the show today.
  • I need to remember to take breaks and go easy on myself. Often I would get so busy flyering, I would forget to eat. Then I'd eat, but I'd feel guilty if I let a line-up go by. I'd start losing my voice from talking so much, which is terrible when you still have a show to do, and I realized that if I burn out then my entire reason for being here goes out the window.
  • Roller Derby Saved My Soul is becoming its own entity. I've hired people to work on a web design, film/edit a new archival video, create a show trailer, ect. Most of my extra money from Edmonton will be going to all these upgrades, which I hope will lead to... what exactly? I need to start making goals/decisions as to what I want to see happen next.

Every festival is different. These are just a couple thoughts that have come to mind while I'm at the airport on my way to Halifax. Who knows what awaits me there?

A Day in the Life of an Edmonton Fringe Performer

Opening day for Roller Derby Saved My Soul *Please note that this probably isn't a typical Fringe performer day. Most performers wouldn't be caught dead waking up at this hour.

7:30 a.m. - alarm rings but I don't hear it

8:30 a.m. - wake up thanks to the sun and have a minor freak out because I missed my alarm

9:00 a.m. - make breakfast for the billets while they double-check my show programs

9:30 a.m. - write part two of my Edmonton Fringe MUST-SEE list, send program to printers, double-check show sound design on my computer, run lines, review choreography

12:30 p.m. - wonder why I'm getting hungry again because I just ate 3 hours ago... oh

12:45 p.m. - coffee instead of lunch

1:00 p.m. - shower

1:15 p.m. - pack my bag for the show tonight: costume skirt, shoes, shorts, t-shirt, socks. Mental note  to buy prop popcorn & booze bottle later today. More flyers and posters. I think I have everything.

2:00 p.m. - waiting for a bus to Fringe grounds. Yay, free bus pass!


2:15 p.m. - still waiting...

2:30 p.m. - ZOMG where is the f'n bus?!?

2:35 p.m. - finally!

2:55 p.m. - quick bite with Tara Travis of Til' Death

3: 15 p.m. - pick up programs and get some actor coaching on character transitions in my show from the divine Ms. Travis

3:45 p.m. - put on roller derby skates and flyer the main fringe box office. Try not to check ticket sales every five minutes

3:50 p.m. - check ticket sales

5:30 p.m. - feeling tired from all the skating and flyering. Meet with Emily Pearlman of Countries Shaped Like Stars. She walks with me to the Liquor Depot to pick up what I will use as a prop bottle in the show.

6:00 p.m. - back at main box office, transfer alcohol out of the bottle, put skates back on and continue flyering

7:00 p.m. - losing my voice, realize I haven't eaten in a while, still 30 tickets available for tonight's show, haven't changed my outdoor wheels to show wheels yet, start shaking... maybe I should stop flyering now. Text message to director: Would you be mad if I stopped flyering?

7:15 p.m. - eat protein bar, change into costume, change wheels

8:00 p.m. - walk half a kilometre to the venue, in costume, dragging two suitcases, a backpack and an additional bag

8:05 p.m. - greet venue tech who says I can't go in until 8:30. No problem! Flyer folks leaving previous show.

8:10 p.m. - realize I forgot to get popcorn. FUCK! Drop everything in front of theatre door and run back to fringe grounds. Cut through a family photo taken in a park, run across the street, jump over train tracks, pass the living statues, through crowd trying to watch the buskers, mumble words of missing props to passing fringe performers who ask where I'm going in such a rush

8:15 p.m. - cut in line in front of a small child in order to get popcorn

8:20 p.m. - run back

8:25 p.m. - arrive at venue, sweating and panting

8:30 p.m. - technician lets me in having no idea what just happened.

8:31 p.m. - chuckle at the opening night "catastrophe" together. Hey, it could have been worse. I could have forgotten my laptop with all the sound cues on it.

8:32 p.m. - realize I forgot my laptop with all the sound cues on it. FUCK! Call billet in a panic.

8:33 p.m. - billet picks up the phone and I blurt out the problem. He's not home and tells the people around him what happened. I try not to yell "Please stop explaining and JUST GO!" He thinks he can get on his bike, go home, and come to the Fringe in enough time...

(Sidebar: Unbeknownst to me, billet was at a friends' home where said friends had just announced their upcoming nuptials in November. They had literally just all raised their glasses for a toast when I called. I ruined the toast and still they were kind enough to offer my billet a drive.)

8:35 p.m. - director texts me that of course I should stop flyering and eat something and sorry she didn't get back to me sooner. I call her back, put her speaker while I am setting up the stage for the show, and crazy laugh/cry at the situation. Venue techs continue being awesome. Local roller derby team volunteer arrives and is also awesome.

8:40 p.m. - billet texts that he has the laptop and is on his way

8:45 p.m. - laptop arrives just as doors are being opened for the audience

8:50 p.m. - we have sound!

8:55 p.m. - dance party backstage to pre-show music

9:00 p.m. - Roller Derby Saved My Soul opens at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival

10:00 p.m. - I need a drink.


Roller Derby Saved My Soul plays until August 25th at the Edmonton Fringe Festival. Opening night was reviewed by Vue Weekly and received 4 stars. Get your tickets now!


Nancy's MUST-SEE List at the 2013 Edmonton Fringe (Part Deux)

Oh gosh! What a day yesterday! After running errands all day, I started flyering at around 2:00 p.m., took a brief dinner break and was off to meet local Edmonton derby players from the Oil City Derby Dolls and the Greater Edmonton Junior Roller Derby Association for the Fringe performer parade. Though the junior girls and I skipped the actual parade start which was covered in gravel and train tracks, massive props to the Oil City ladies for going through that anyway! These ladies were flyering machines! I think I might have given out over 400 flyers last night. And while I was already exhausted at this point, I still wanted to see two shows that night: Zack Adams: Zack to the Future and The Show Must Go On. Both shows were great (see them!), but I have to give a special shout-out to Jeff Leard from The Show Must Go On. A midnight show is a difficult thing to do under the best circumstances, but even with my level of exhaustion he had me completely captivated by his story and performance. And I thought a 2 week run of children's theatre was hard... After that though, I headed straight to billet's house to crash. This was Day 1 and I haven't even opened yet... oh boy!

With the ladies of Oil City Derby & Greater Edmonton Junior Roller Derby Association during the Edmonton Fringe Parade - Photo credit: David Chapman

Tonight though, tonight is my night. Tonight Roller Derby Saved My Soul opens at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival! Get your tickets now!

But back to the list. Yesterday, I put up Part 1 of what to see at this very big festival. On to Part 2:

First up, I realize that I forgot to include a show in my list "stuff I missed in Ottawa" so I want to give special mention to the lovely people of Matchstick. EVERYONE raved about this one and I can't believe it slipped my mind. So be sure to check that one out.

I've seen it and can't rave enough about it

Jake's Gift Have you not seen Jake's Gift yet? What are you waiting for? I saw it years ago at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival in the Canadian War Museum on D-Day surrounded by veterans. It's one of the most incredible pieces of theatre I've ever seen. When I plugged it in my Must-See List at the 2009 Winnipeg Fringe, I said "represents everything I adore about performance: a compelling story created with love and passion, told through very simple and truthful means".

Kuwaiti Moonshine Caught this one while performing at Zoofest in Montreal earlier this summer. A very cool story!

Bursting Into Flames Almost forgot to add this one, not because it isn't a good show, but for some reason I always forget the name. Saw it in Toronto at the Fringe a few years back and it blew my mind... Ah yes, this must be why I always forget the title. As always, Martin Dockery is a phenomenal storyteller.

En français I want to give special recognition to the one French show at this year's festival. Go check out La cravate bleu. I've been told you also don't need to have a strong grasp of French to enjoy it. Take a chance!

The Buzz The Buzz The Buzz So many shows that I have heard about; so many incredible performers I want to see again, some more, for the first time. Here's what's buzzing for me.

Circle Featuring the uber talented Christel Bartelse and boasting of a sold out-run at the Winnipeg Fringe this summer, tickets may go very fast for this one.

Complete History of the Moustache/(How I learned to love the moustache) The title alone sells me on this one, but since it features the charming Kristian Reimer that just seals the deal.

Forget Me Not Rob Gee sold out his first show last night. Rob Gee is wonderful and sells out everywhere. There's a reason for this.

From the Prairies, with Love & The Medicine Show Both shows involve the beautiful & multi-talented Sharon Nowlan, as well as Paul Hutcheson & Chris Bange, respectively. Burlesque, magic, vaudeville, cabaret... something for everyone in these.

Gibberish Chris Gibbs. That's all you need to know. Seriously. Just buy the ticket now. The rest of this list can wait.

God Is A Scottish Drag Queen This show has serious pedigree and I have been dying to be in a city where it's been presented for so long now! Finally!

Grim and Fischer My Roller Derby Saved My Soul director told me that my life will be empty if I miss Grim and Fischer. A solid endorsement for a show with serious buzz.

Little Pussy I heard wonderful things about John Grady's Fear Factor: Canine Edition so I'm really looking forward to this one.

Nashville Hurricane ZOMG! Chase Padgett's new show! I missed 6 Guitars and I still regret it (though to be fair I missed it because it was sold out). I'm sure as hell not missing this one.

One-Man Star Wars I talk about Star Wars quite a bit in my show so this one is definitely at the top of my list. I've always been more Sci-Fi than Fantasy, but I'm guessing that his One-Man Lord of the Rings will be an equally good time.

Peter n Chris Explore their Bodies I've seen every single Peter n Chris show. This will be number 4. They are so awesome the Ottawa Fringe basically created the Outstanding Duo award simply because they exist.

Promise and Promiscuity: A New Musical by Jane Austen I had said in Part 1 I wouldn't mention musicals, but I think I have to make an exception for this one-woman tour de force. A huge hit in Winnipeg and I've been looking forward to seeing Penny's work for a while now.

Radio: 30 I don't know much about this show except that it sold out at the Toronto Fringe and everyone I spoke to raved about it. Plus the premise sounds really interesting to me.

Weaksauce I've heard such great things about this one and it sounds like one that will tug at my dorky little heartstrings. Plus, I've really been enjoying his blog.

Yarn Storytelling with music is the pitch I've been hearing. Alex Eddington is an incredible talent, so this probably won't disappoint.

Happy Fringing Everyone!

*********************************************** Nancy Kenny's Roller Derby Saved My Soul opens tonight at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival and runs until August 25th.

Nancy's MUST-SEE List at the 2013 Edmonton Fringe (Part 1)

I am hours away from the launch of the 2013 Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival and for once in my life I have nothing to worry about. Yes, there is still plenty of work to do, errands to do, lines to run, and choreography to attempt with new equipment, but everything has been going smoothly (QUICK: everyone knock on wood RIGHT NOW!) It's been so smooth that I've started worrying about how smooth it is. Advance ticket sales are going better than I could have imagined - I've already made back my festival fee - and the roller derby support in town has been incredible. Not only have I received some great sponsorship/help from Bad Girlfriend Skates in Sherwood Park, but members of all three Edmonton roller derby leagues, yes even the junior girls, will be joining me tonight for the Fringe Parade, which starts tonight at 7:30 p.m. near the Kids' Fringe. I cannot wait to try out these shiny new outdoor wheels of mine on the fringe grounds! And if you were wondering, my posters finally did arrive.

But enough about me (sort of). You're here for one reason and one reason only, to find out what you should be seeing at this year's Fringe (or to find out if I put your show on my list). With over 200 productions, that is no simple task. In fact, this festival is so big, I've had to break down my list into a few parts. Part 2 will come out later on.

This list is not the be all and end all of fringe lists and it is based solely on personal preference, what I've seen, and what I've heard about. What you will not find here: musicals, dance and improv. There are some really great acts at this years festival in all three of those categories, but I'm not the one to tell you about them. And I can guarantee that there are some amazing shows that I just don't know about yet. Feel free to add your suggestions in the comment section at the end.

First up: the Ottawa Connection!

When they think "Amazing Fringe Show", I'm not quite sure "Ottawa" comes to mind for the fine folks of Edmonton, but this year they are in for a treat. All the way from our Nation's Capital, you've got 3 (THREE!) incredible fringe shows, all with their own strong pedigree.

Roller Derby Saved My Soul Of course, you simply must see my show first. Not just tooting my own horn here when I say this show has been loved by everyone who's seen it. It's fun, it's lighthearted, I spend half the performance on roller skates. It speaks to that awkward and shy little guy hiding in all of us.But don't just take my word for it.

Countries Shaped Like Stars It's rare for me to see a show more than once, but I've seen Countries Shaped Like Stars three times already, I own the soundtrack and I would definitely go and see it again. Read my impressions after the first time I saw it.

RiderGirl One that I have not seen but that has been taking the Fringe circuit (and Rider Nation) by storm. I'm told you don't have to be a football fan to enjoy this one. Can't wait!

Up Next: the stuff I missed in Ottawa

The Ottawa Fringe Festival is it's own incredible thing. Unfortunately, this year I was incredibly busy and didn't get to see nearly as many shows as I would have liked to. Fortunately, many of these fine fine folks are here in Edmonton as well. These are all productions that had incredible buzz & sold out houses, so you might want to get your tickets now.

Ask Aggie: The Advice Diva How much do I love Christine Lesiak? She is an incredibly funny woman with a quick wit that is sure to make this show quite the experience. From what I've been told, audience members write down questions they want the "Advice Diva" to answer. So think up some good questions and meet me at the show!

Be A Man I was so hoping to see this one in Ottawa, but an accident marked an early end to the run. Fortunately, everyone is ok and the show is here in Edmonton. The preview I saw was incredibly funny and I can't wait to see more.

The Pit Unless you've been living under a rock where no Fringe or anything wonderful ever enters your life, you know who Martin Dockery is. Now he doubles the amazing with the lovely Vanessa Quesnelle. This show completely sold out in Ottawa, so you better start camping out for tickets now.

The Show Must Go On I saw a preview of this show in Ottawa and I was immediately hooked by Jeff Leard's storytelling abilities and character work. I've been dying to see the full performance ever since. I also hear he just got a 5 star review from the Calgary Herald which is pretty darn impressive.

Monster Shout-Out-Out-Out

Monster Theatre was my first introduction to the Fringe life with the Canada Show way back in 2002 and I have adored them ever since. This year Edmonton gets not one, not two, but THREE Monster productions and you should catch them all.

Assassinating Thomson Caught this one in Ottawa, got the painting from the show and I would definitely go and see it again. Bruce Horak is an incredibly charming & personable performer who mixes stories/coincidences from his life as a legally blind artist and the mystery of Tom Thomson's death. Oh and he happens to paint a portrait of the audience while he does it. Bonus: this one is also happening in my venue - Venue 4 Academy at King Edward School.

Hockey Night at the Puck and Pickle Pub Honestly, if it wasn't a Monster Theatre show, the poster itself would have sold me on it.  It also brings together two of my favorite people: Ryan Gladstone and Jon Paterson. Not to be missed.

Seriously. This poster is so good!

Til Death: The Six Wives of Henry VIII Tara Travis wowed me when I first saw her in The Shakespeare Show. She's an absolute chameleon and this is one show that has been on the top of my list for a few years now. Another one that's been selling out all summer, so get your tickets ASAP.

Venue 4 - Academy at King Edward aka My Venue There are some great great shows happening in my venue. Along with Roller Derby Saved My Soul and Assassinating Thomson, I'm looking forward to the following:

Sex, Religion and Other Hang-ups James Gangel won last year's Canadian Comedy Award for Best Solo Show with this one and it is also directed by the fantastic Chris Gibbs. I've missed this show every time it played in Toronto so I was super excited to find it here.

Tap Me on the Shoulder Nerd girls unite!

Unpossible! Deep down, I'm still a dorky little kid who wants to believe in magic. Don't tell me how it's done, just make me believe. No pressure or anything.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this guide!

Nancy's MUST SEE List at the Edmonton Fringe

I will not be at the Edmonton Fringe Festival this year. My journey with No Exit Upstage ended in Winnipeg. That said, since my most popular blog posts of late have been for my MUST SEE LISTS in both Ottawa and Winnipeg and since I have many friends who will be performing at the festival, I thought it would be a good idea for me to throw a plug their way. Since this is suppose to be the largest festival in Canada (we'll know by the end of the run if Winnipeg beat them or not) and I've seen way more shows on tour than I thought I would, my list shall be a tad bigger than the one for Winnipeg. My requirements for this list? That I saw the show and I liked it. Trust me, you can't go wrong if you see anything on this list.

So without further ado, in alphabetical order, Nancy's MUST SEE list at the Edmonton Fringe:

Boat Load I've plugged Jayson McDonald's shows before and I will do it again. Boat Load was my favorite show at the Ottawa Fringe last year. The guy is an amazing writer and performer and this show is the best showcase for all his talent. Do yourself a favour and see it in Edmonton.

CHAOTICA A cool show which turns one woman's life into a board game. Worth it for the tap dance number alone!

Fruitcake Rob Gee has an amazing show that's part spoken word performance and part therapy. The whole thing is hilarious and culminates with a little song and dance that you just won't be able to get out of your head for at least three days. I wonder if the voice of God will still be there? Someone let me know!

Grandpa Sol and Grandma Rosie Saw this touching piece in Ottawa and I hear it's gone through some positive modifications throughout the run. The puppetry work is excellent and Lana gives an incredibly charming performance.

GRIMMER THAN GRIMM To be fair, I saw this show on a special fundraiser night and they allowed, nay encouraged us, to drink throughout anytime someone got maimed or murdered. Drinking games exponentially increase my enjoyment of a show. Who knows, maybe they will serve drinks here too?

Inviting Desire DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW. It's incredibly hot and sexy, but also very beautiful and touching. Hands down my favorite show at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival this year.

Little White Lies My girl, Amy Lester, representing for Ottawa. She had some trouble in Winnipeg which is a shame since she has a decent show that's worth seeing. Most of all, I want her to do well because I absolutely admire her strength and bravery. How many 19 year olds do you know who have the guts to tour a one person show across the country on their own? Oops, sorry Amy! I meant to say almost 21 ;)

More Bange For Your Buck Magic, mystery, and a little Back to the Future thrown in for good measure. Tell Rocky the Raccoon I said hi!

murder, hope A stunning and captivating show by the multi-talented Becky Poole. I love non-linear theatre when it's done well and this show is done VERY well. This is exactly the kind of risky show Fringe Festivals should be all about.

Reflections On Giving Birth To A Squid I saw this show in Winnipeg on a whim without knowing anything about it or anyone in the cast and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. This was a very original show with an interesting concept that never got too hockey or sentimental. I believe this was due to some very strong acting from the lead actress whose name I have unfortunately forgotten. In the spirit of Fringe, take a chance on this show.

Spiral Dive: Episodes One AND Two I was lucky. I got to see both these shows mere weeks apart and therefore got to properly indulge in this slice of epic theatre. The people in Edmonton are even luckier. You are actually able to sit and watch both shows in a row! My only disappointment? Episode Three won't be out for another year.

The Seven Lives of Louis Riel Natasha's absolutely favorite show at the Winnipeg Fringe. More fun than educational!

Unfortunately, this is a list of shows I've seen. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't some other good stuff out there too!

Honorable Mentions: Circumference Though I haven't seen Circumference, I have seen Amy perform before and she is incredibly funny and engaging. I've also heard really great things about this piece, so I did not want to leave it out in the cold.

G-MEN DEFECTIVES Placed in this category since I never got a chance to see it when it was originally performed in Ottawa with a different actor. But how could I not plug the hometown team? Ray and Sterling are two very fun guys and I heard they did incredibly well on the first leg of their tour in Saskatoon. pornStar I didn't get to see this show because it sold out in Ottawa. However, Anne Wyman (Why, man?) was my stage manager in Winnipeg and I had the pleasure of watching her shine in Jayson McDonald's The Last Goddamned Performance Piece in Winnipeg. She is absolutely beautiful. Also, the show is called pornStar. What more do you want?

The Domino Heart I saw a solid non-fringe production of this show in Ottawa a few years ago. I don't know anything about this current incarnation, but I did like the script.

Totem Figures Though I've never seen the show, TJ Dawe's podcast of the play helped me get through some tough times in Winnipeg.

Who's Afraid of Tippi Seagram? Though she never knew it, Colette Kendall was definitely my Fringe Crush in Winnipeg. I really enjoyed The Cockwhisperer (and the fact that my iphone recognized the word as I was trying to tweet it). I love it when she drops F Bombs.