Oh gosh! What a day yesterday! After running errands all day, I started flyering at around 2:00 p.m., took a brief dinner break and was off to meet local Edmonton derby players from the Oil City Derby Dolls and the Greater Edmonton Junior Roller Derby Association for the Fringe performer parade. Though the junior girls and I skipped the actual parade start which was covered in gravel and train tracks, massive props to the Oil City ladies for going through that anyway! These ladies were flyering machines! I think I might have given out over 400 flyers last night. And while I was already exhausted at this point, I still wanted to see two shows that night: Zack Adams: Zack to the Future and The Show Must Go On. Both shows were great (see them!), but I have to give a special shout-out to Jeff Leard from The Show Must Go On. A midnight show is a difficult thing to do under the best circumstances, but even with my level of exhaustion he had me completely captivated by his story and performance. And I thought a 2 week run of children's theatre was hard... After that though, I headed straight to billet's house to crash. This was Day 1 and I haven't even opened yet... oh boy!
Tonight though, tonight is my night. Tonight Roller Derby Saved My Soul opens at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival! Get your tickets now!
But back to the list. Yesterday, I put up Part 1 of what to see at this very big festival. On to Part 2:
First up, I realize that I forgot to include a show in my list "stuff I missed in Ottawa" so I want to give special mention to the lovely people of Matchstick. EVERYONE raved about this one and I can't believe it slipped my mind. So be sure to check that one out.
I've seen it and can't rave enough about it
Jake's Gift Have you not seen Jake's Gift yet? What are you waiting for? I saw it years ago at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival in the Canadian War Museum on D-Day surrounded by veterans. It's one of the most incredible pieces of theatre I've ever seen. When I plugged it in my Must-See List at the 2009 Winnipeg Fringe, I said "represents everything I adore about performance: a compelling story created with love and passion, told through very simple and truthful means".
Kuwaiti Moonshine Caught this one while performing at Zoofest in Montreal earlier this summer. A very cool story!
Bursting Into Flames Almost forgot to add this one, not because it isn't a good show, but for some reason I always forget the name. Saw it in Toronto at the Fringe a few years back and it blew my mind... Ah yes, this must be why I always forget the title. As always, Martin Dockery is a phenomenal storyteller.
En français I want to give special recognition to the one French show at this year's festival. Go check out La cravate bleu. I've been told you also don't need to have a strong grasp of French to enjoy it. Take a chance!
The Buzz The Buzz The Buzz So many shows that I have heard about; so many incredible performers I want to see again, some more, for the first time. Here's what's buzzing for me.
Circle Featuring the uber talented Christel Bartelse and boasting of a sold out-run at the Winnipeg Fringe this summer, tickets may go very fast for this one.
Complete History of the Moustache/(How I learned to love the moustache) The title alone sells me on this one, but since it features the charming Kristian Reimer that just seals the deal.
Forget Me Not Rob Gee sold out his first show last night. Rob Gee is wonderful and sells out everywhere. There's a reason for this.
From the Prairies, with Love & The Medicine Show Both shows involve the beautiful & multi-talented Sharon Nowlan, as well as Paul Hutcheson & Chris Bange, respectively. Burlesque, magic, vaudeville, cabaret... something for everyone in these.
Gibberish Chris Gibbs. That's all you need to know. Seriously. Just buy the ticket now. The rest of this list can wait.
God Is A Scottish Drag Queen This show has serious pedigree and I have been dying to be in a city where it's been presented for so long now! Finally!
Grim and Fischer My Roller Derby Saved My Soul director told me that my life will be empty if I miss Grim and Fischer. A solid endorsement for a show with serious buzz.
Little Pussy I heard wonderful things about John Grady's Fear Factor: Canine Edition so I'm really looking forward to this one.
Nashville Hurricane ZOMG! Chase Padgett's new show! I missed 6 Guitars and I still regret it (though to be fair I missed it because it was sold out). I'm sure as hell not missing this one.
One-Man Star Wars I talk about Star Wars quite a bit in my show so this one is definitely at the top of my list. I've always been more Sci-Fi than Fantasy, but I'm guessing that his One-Man Lord of the Rings will be an equally good time.
Peter n Chris Explore their Bodies I've seen every single Peter n Chris show. This will be number 4. They are so awesome the Ottawa Fringe basically created the Outstanding Duo award simply because they exist.
Promise and Promiscuity: A New Musical by Jane Austen I had said in Part 1 I wouldn't mention musicals, but I think I have to make an exception for this one-woman tour de force. A huge hit in Winnipeg and I've been looking forward to seeing Penny's work for a while now.
Radio: 30 I don't know much about this show except that it sold out at the Toronto Fringe and everyone I spoke to raved about it. Plus the premise sounds really interesting to me.
Weaksauce I've heard such great things about this one and it sounds like one that will tug at my dorky little heartstrings. Plus, I've really been enjoying his blog.
Yarn Storytelling with music is the pitch I've been hearing. Alex Eddington is an incredible talent, so this probably won't disappoint.
Happy Fringing Everyone!
*********************************************** Nancy Kenny's Roller Derby Saved My Soul opens tonight at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival and runs until August 25th.