Last night, the Halifax Roller Derby Association was holding their last game of the season in Dartmouth against the Red Rock n Roller Derby league from Prince Edward Island. Unfortunately, the game was at the same time as my show, so I was unable to attend. It was a good show, probably one of my strongest ones to date, and after I got to catch up with an old university friend I hadn't seen in over 10 years. I was hungry and tired, but still headed out to the Bus Stop Theatre to catch the opening of the very funny Panel Show. Fortunately, a friend showed up with extra food, which I eagerly chowed down. I was ready, then and there, to call it a night, but one of our group wanted to go to the Menz Bar for showtunes. Since it was just across the street, I figured why not.
And boy was I glad I did.
As we walked up, a familiar sight caught my eyes... short shorts, numbers written in sharpie on the arm, jerseys with wicked cool names on the back... Could it be?
"HEY! You guys the roller derby team?!?!"
A group of women and men turned around as I proudly displayed the "Roller Derby Saved My Soul" emblazoned on my chest. Drunken cheers erupted from the group. It was the Red Rock n Roller Derby Team. Turns out the Menz Bar is where Halifax celebrates its post-derby triumphs. The PEI folks gave me team pins, which I wore all night on my shirt.
I walked into the bar. Two ladies in blue jerseys took one look at me and pointed: "YOU! We're coming to see you on Thursday!!!" Halifax Roller Derby was in the house. Congratz to the teams. Halifax won 233-210.
The Fringe performers I was with thought I had planned it. Others cursed me and decided that they too would write a show about a certain sub-culture from now on. All I know is that I had an amazing night and I don't believe in coincidences.
Oh and a room full of Fringe performers singing "One Fine Day" to piano accompaniment is the funnest thing ever.