The Problems You Want

Is there a term for that? A "good" problem? I'm curious. My year is off to a very good start. I've got work lined up for January/February with Evolution Theatre's Little Martyrs and it has been confirmed to me today that tickets are now on sale through the Arts Court Box Office - 613-564-7240 (Details about the show can be found under my Upcoming Appearance tab.)

I've also been requested for two general auditions in Toronto. After years of sending in packages without answer, I'm thrilled! (Though I'm quite sure this is partly due to my Equity status and partly to my use of a Toronto mailing address.) Since rehearsals for me don't really begin until this Saturday, I can attend one of them no problem. The other? Is at the same time as rehearsal next week. Did I mention that rehearsals are in Ottawa?

As actor's these are the kinds of problems we want: being too busy working at our craft to do more, no matter how much more we want to do.

Still, it sucks. This is not for work during the run of the show, this is for work this summer, so it's unfortunate that I can't even give it a shot. In these situations, all you can really do is shrug it off and keep going. This one was just not meant to be.