Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the DiGi60 Festival in Ottawa. A movie I appeared in was getting its premiere. It's a good little film called Connecting by Randy Kelly and I'm proud to say that it even won an award in the acting category. With all these indy filmmakers in one room, it got me thinking: here I am in Toronto (well, at the moment I'm somewhere in the Quinte region between Kingston and Belleville, but you get the picture) waiting for something to happen. Again. Some more. But if Beckett taught me anything it's that waiting for something usually leads to more waiting. And guys on leashes. Which technically I guess I'm ok with.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Waiting.
Nearing the 11th Hour, I handed in my application to the Ottawa Fringe Festival. Whether I get in or not - lottery is tonight at the Raw Sugar Café - my Roller Derby show is a go! The first draft is done (mostly), I've been applying to every grant available to me to get it off the ground and talking to potential choreographers and movement coaches. I also found out that I was accepted into the "Fresh Meat" program with the Toronto Roller Derby League. I start training next year. I'm really excited about that.
I'm also working on translating a one-act play from English into French. I got permission from the playwright and I'm shopping it around for a potential future production. I've been dying to work more in French, but I can't seem to get my foot in the door as a performer. Again: fuck it. Why wait?
And then, of course, there's Evolution Theatre. I've been teasing about a big announcement for a while now, but just bear with me a little longer. Details should be finalized this week.
So, if you've got an idea or you just want to do something, just go ahead and do it. There are plenty of inexpensive ways for you to do so in the arts. Oh and if you're checking out the Ottawa Fringe lottery tonight, could you please text me the results?