Back in O-Town

Work was pretty awesome.  Late Thursday night, I arrive in Morrisburg.  I was booked into a room at a cozy little motel in the middle of nowhere that, in the middle of the night, would serve as a beautiful setting for some kind of slasher flick.  I mean that in a positive way.  I was pretty stoked to be put up somewhere for work. The day turned out to be pretty gorgeous.  I got wardrobe/hair/makeup done, which is always fun, chatted with some fellow actors, worked on my lines, and basically waited around until they needed me.

At some point next summer, you'll be able to see the fruits of my labour at the Upper Canada Village when they open a new discovery centre for the visitors.

I got a ride back to Ottawa, settled in and got to work on an audition piece for the next day.  It was for a feature film. I think it went well, but who knows, really, with those things?

I got to see some friends, checked out the sweet Rachel McAdams movie, and even did some work for both 'I' (which opens at The Gladstone this week - I saw a rehearsal today and, folks, I'm telling you, this is going to be a good show! You need to check it out!) and for Evolution Theatre (big announcements coming real soon!)

Now, it's the middle of the night.  I'm sitting in a living room that is not my own and grateful for the generosity of my friends.  I'd be lying if I said that in these quiet moments the doubts don't come flowing in, but I try and breathe and let it all go.  I thought I might have had a shot at some additional work while I was here in Ottawa, but it doesn't look like it's going to work out.  I'll be back in Toronto soon enough.  That city just isn't done with me yet.