So You Want To Tour The Fringe Circuit

Since 2002 (and not 2001 like I had originally argued with someone) I have been an active participant in the Ottawa Fringe Festival.  Every year, for almost two weeks, I would get to meet and hang out with incredible people from around the world who were trekking from one city to another performing works of truly amazing art.  Then, at the end of those two weeks, I'd wave goodbye to them and some of my local friends as they'd pack up their bags and move on to the next city for their next big adventure. Every year, I would wish I was going too. But there was always an excuse: I can't leave because I have a job/a degree to finish/responsibilities x, y, and z.

That was then.  This is now.  For once in my life, I don't have any excuses to fall back on.  So instead of falling back, I've decided to move forward and do something I've always wanted to do:

Sleep on a stranger's couch in Saskatoon...

Oh and travel cross-country, living a bohemian lifestyle, and not only tour a show, but tour a show that I created myself.  Yeah, I'd like to do that too.

I've got a great show concept that I have been working on and the incredible support of people who have been there before.  I'm not naive (there's a difference between optimism and naivete).  I know that this is not necessarily an easy venture that I am undertaking.  In fact, I've already come up against my first kink in the road.  All these Fringe Festivals require their registration fees up-front.  As an underemployed artist I don't exactly have a few thousand dollars kicking around beneath my mattress.  But this is something I know I have to do and so I know I will find a way.  The universe and I always do.

(That said, if any generous souls who believe in me happen to be willing to loan me a few thousand dollars until next summer, please do not hesitate to msg me directly!)

I'm a little scared because this project seems so big right now, but I see the reward at the end of the road and boy, is it ever sweet.  Stay tuned!