new colony

Cool People Doing Cool Things

Derby theatre is so hot right now! If you are in any way a regular reader of mine, you should know all about my one-woman show, Roller Derby Saved My Soul (and if you don't, click on that link now!). Then today on Twitter a friend sent me this link from Time Out Chicago about The New Colony's upcoming production of Down & Derby.

ZOMG! There's another Roller Derby play out there!

The production sounds so completely different from my show (11 person cast! on an actual track!) and yet playwright Aaron Weissman seems to have hit on all the same notes I did when discovering derby and its "theatrical potential". Are Aaron Weissman and I tapped into the same Universal Mind? Did we play roller derby together in a past life? Are we long lost Wonder Twins? Who knows?

What I do know is that if you are in Chicago right now, you need to go out there and see this show. And then call me, maybe, and tell me EVERYTHING!

Or you could also figure out a way for me to get to Chicago and see this show for myself.

Either way, I think the Windy City just shot to the top of my list of cities where I need to tour Roller Derby Saved My Soul.


Down & Derby

A young roller derby team, the Larkin City Misfit Mavericks, skate for glory in their small home town –– until rival ambitions begin to tear the team apart. IT'S WAR ON WHEELS and THESE SKATES ARE REAL.

PREVIEWS Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28

OPENING Tuesday, October 30

RUNS Thursday - Saturdays, November 1 - December 8

7:30pm Doors, 8pm Whistle

Written by Aaron Weissman Directed by Thrisa Hodits

Starring Hannah Alcorn, Joel Kim Booster, Lucy Gossett, Jaclyn Keough, Evan Linder, Aileen May, Morgan McNaught, Kitty Mortland, Kristi Parker-Barnhart, Rania Salem Manganaro, Carol Saller, Lauren Sivak, Sasha Smith, Sara Stern, Mary Williamson, and John Wilson

Choreography by Katie Spelman Scenic design by John Holt Lighting design by Heather Gilbert Costume design by Curtis Cassell Sound Design by Nick Kawahara

Learn more about Down & Derby at

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