
Two Places at Once

Though I'm all about Mary Magdalene and Adventures in Sobriety these days, this is also the week that all these student films I worked on late last year get their official screening. 

Big shout-outs to the gangs at Humber College and York University. I wish I could be there with you to see how everything turned out. In the meantime, here's the trailer from one of those films, The Sheppard, which premieres tonight at the Bell Lightbox, home of the Toronto International Film Festival.

[vimeo w=400&h=300]

The Shepherd Official Trailer from Tenebre81 on Vimeo.

Can't wait to see the whole thing!


DOUBLE BILL: Mary Magdalene and Adventures in Sobriety and [boxhead] 

Arts Court Theatre  2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON 

April 18th to 28th, 2012 – 7:30 p.m.  Pay What You Can Matinee: Sunday April 22nd – 2 p.m.  (no show on Monday)  Tickets $25, $20 for Students/Seniors  Available by phone by calling Arts Court at 613-564-7240