Ottawa School of Speech and Drama

Adorkable is the New Chic

Meet Nadine. She's a blogger, a mother, a wife, a poet, an award-winning playwright, a critically acclaimed actress, a sex advice columnist, a fashionista and a future tri-athlete among many many other things I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention here. All in all, she's pretty awesome. And inspiring. I met Nadine a few years ago during a playwriting workshop at the Ottawa School of Speech and Drama. We had a good time and laughed a lot. (You always laugh a lot with Nadine) At one point when I was talking about how I first got into writing, she stopped me and said: "Oh my God! It's like you're me!"

Maybe, but Nadine dresses better.

If you don't know Nadine (who I truly believe is what would be the product if Norm Foster had a relationship with the women from Sex in the City), well you should. She's participating in two shows at the Ottawa Fringe Festival.

Oh and check out her blog too! It's become a favorite read of mine.

Basically, just checkout Nadine.