Kate Drummond

Cool People Doing Cool Things

Meet Kate Drummond. Kate is my beautiful, talented, funny and most athletic of all my friends. She's also pretty damn hilarious.  So what happens when you mix all those traits together and your throw them in the kitchen? Well, you get A Jock's Guide.

She's been getting a lot of awesome buzz so far with her short cooking episodes on Youtube and recently launched a pretty awesome looking site.

About A Jock's Guide:

We’ve all seen those cooking shows. You know, those ones. The shows that make us all feel incompetent in the kitchen and never seem to lead us to a creation that is as lovely or jaw-dropping as the one depicted.

A Jock’s Guide is the “most real” reality cooking show online!

It’s a one-woman show, from start to finish. It’s filmed and edited on a laptop, with no script or retakes and in whatever kitchen will have her! Really, it’s cooking in its rawest form, and even though the process may not be always pretty, the recipes are 100% crowd pleasers.

Here's the latest episode on making Beaver Tails:


I personally enjoy her discussion on Dutch Ovens and Boney M.

Plus, she's now teamed up with registered charity Kids Sport Ontario so donations to the site can go do a good cause.

I highly encourage you to check out all her episodes (there are 8 so far) and, if any of you have any connections to Wendel Clark whom Kate would love to get on her show (see Episode 6 for more), please let her know!  It's for the children after all. Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children? ... And you know, Kate's lifelong dream to meet Wendel Clark.

I am so proud of Kate for doing these videos. Do yourself a favour and check them out.