When I started planning my upcoming tour and documentary, I knew a few things were needed. I knew that I would need a solid team to travel with me and I knew, with luggage, film equipment, and show paraphernalia, that driving across the country would be the easiest mode of transportation. The thing is, neither I nor anyone on my team had a car.
With all the costs associated with producing a film, I knew that I didn't have the money to buy a vehicle, so I made a decision: I would find a way to get a free car.
I created a Sponsorship Document with my team and we started passing it around. I also started letting all kinds of people know this was what I was doing. It was a lot of hard work. Some people, friends mostly, laughed at me. Others wished me luck with that. Some organizations said no. Others didn't get back to us at all. But still, I wouldn't let it go. I just knew I could make it work. I have a great project that's an incredible advertising opportunity, a wicked strong social media following, a charming personality and a creative spirit.
If I was sure of one thing it was this: I would get a sponsored vehicle for my tour.

Yesterday, after months of work, it finally happened. Thanks to the incredible people at Hunt Club Volkswagen in Ottawa, I will be going on tour in a brand new VW Passat. I can't even begin to tell you what a relief this is. I'm incredibly grateful to them for believing in me and my project. Do me a favour and assist me in thanking the dealership by Liking their Facebook Page and Following them on Twitter.
And it made me come to another big realization; a little cliché, but nonetheless true: No matter what anyone tells you, anything truly is possible. I'm living proof.
Now please excuse me, I have to finish raising $10,000 in the next 18 days. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!