Canadian Comedy Award

Nancy's Must-See List at the 2014 Montreal Fringe


#MTLFringe #FringeBuzz I arrived in Montreal on Sunday night and spent the entire day on Monday running around Fringe grounds, checking in, buying props, printing programs, doing an interview before teching the show and jumping right into my opening night performance minutes later. After running on very little sleep for the past week and driving all day Sunday, I used up all the joy and energy I had and pumped it right into the show. After the run, I was completely exhausted and empty, which lead to feelings of bitterness and doubt. Lucky for me, I have incredibly supportive friends.

Then this morning, after a wake-up call from the Ottawa Citizen who is doing an article on the documentary, I received the loveliest of surprises through Twitter: Roller Derby Saved My Soul is nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award for Best One-Person show!

You know, if getting a good night's sleep means I get to wake up to awesome stuff like this every morning, I'm going to start going to bed a 9 from now on.

So, if you are in Montreal and want to see what the fuss is about, get your tickets now for Roller Derby Saved My Soul.

Now that that's done, here are a bunch of other shows you should check out based on my personal preferences and who bought me drinks the night before:

Untitled Sam Mullins Project

I'd be remiss not to include my fellow CCA nominee, Sam Mullins. He is nominated for his one-person show Weaksauce and I have been excited to see his work now for quite some time.

God is a Scottish Drag Queen II

God is my homeboy. I saw part one in London and thought it was the funniest show there, consistently selling out the 150-seat venue we shared. Part deux is sure to be just as big a hit.

Drag Queen Stole My Dress

I hung out with Gillian last year during the Atlantic Fringe and heard much about the creation of this show. I'm excited to finally see it on stage here in Montreal.

Spitting in the Face of the Devil

Saw this with my producing partner in London. The story is gorgeous and his character work is impeccable. A must-see for sure.

my playwright sister

I loved my pregnant brother when I first saw it in Ottawa. I look forward to hearing the other side of the story.

Aiden Flynn Lost His Brother So He Makes Another

From the beautiful people who created Matchstick, this is another show that has sleeper hit written all over it.

jem rolls: One Man Traffic Jam

Because. Duh.

Kitt & Jane: an interactive survival guide to the near post-apocalyptic future

Little Orange Man, which I've seen multiple times, including the original version at the Calgary Fringe under a different name, remains one of my favorite Fringe shows ever. I may not be able to see this one in Montreal, as I hear it is selling out, but you can bet I'm going to catch it at some point across the circuit.


I met playwright Caitlin Murphy in London, where her Ladies Room was a sold out hit. Many people commented on our similar writing styles. Plus she's a super cool chick.

A Bandolier of Dreams

Former UnCalled For members in a brand new show!

Shakespeare Crackpot

After all these years, I still haven't seen a Keir Cutler show. I am beyond due.

The Quitter

Al Lafrance is just great. He's also touring across the country. If I don't see it here, I'll see it later, but I will see it.

Story Whore

Jon Bennett is incredibly funny and charming and known for his shows about cock. I have no idea what this one is about but I can't wait to find out.

Wolves > Boys

I love the MayCan boys so much, I hired one of them to work on my documentary. Their shows are incredibly charming and will make your heart melt in all the right ways.


As always, you should see as many shows as you possibly can. There are gems everywhere at this festival. Feel free to share your own in the comment section below.