Breech Birth

Let's Talk About Birth

As some of you may already know, I'm in a play that opens Friday night (August 14th) called Birth by Karen Brody. It's a wonderful little project that has often been dubbed the "Vagina Monologues of Birth." It features myself and seven other lovely Ottawa actresses: Chantale Plante, Natasha Jetté (my partner in crime), Heather Archibald, Kate Drummond, Corinne McDonald, Miriam Westland, and Robin Guy (who organized this whole shindig and also directed the piece). The show explores the range of experiences that modern day women have as they birth their babies. All the stories are true, and are told through a combination of monologue and action; each actor tells the story of one character, but also becomes the characters in the other stories. For a great preview of the show, please check out the Ottawa Arts Newsletter.

The production is being done as a fundraiser for the International Breech Conference, which is being hosted here in Ottawa this October. For more information about the Conference and why it's so important, please visit the website.

Tickets can still be purchase in advance online or from one of the cast members. You can also buy your tickets at the door, however it's more expensive to do so (though it's for a fundraiser so maybe that's a good thing).

There are only FOUR performances - Friday, August 14th at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, August 15th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, August 16th at 7:30 p.m. All performances take place in The Amphitheatre at St. Paul's University - 223 Main Street.

I hope to see you there!

Cast of Birth - Photo by Jessica Ruano - Ottawa Arts Newsletter