"Is it weird being back?" I've been asked that question a lot lately now that I am not only back in Ottawa, but back in my own home. And in some ways it kind of is. My mom came up last week to help me with some home renovations and what amounted to a ton of spring cleaning. I have not lived here in 5 years and I have not owned a cat in about the same amount of time, yet somehow we could have probably made 2 cats out of the hair we found behind the fridge and stove.
Note to self: Normal people clean behind the fridge and stove.
Other note to self: The cleaning service you hired obviously will not.
For the most part, the renovations are done and I am really happy with them. I'm just left with sorting through all my boxes of stuff. Having lived in a suitcase for so long, I am blown away by the amount of "stuff" I have. I can't look at most of it too long or I start becoming sentimental. The donation collection guys at Value Village is starting to know me by name. I'm hoping to get everything done before I leave for Saskatoon on Thursday for a quick remount of The Little Prince.
Things have been fairly chaotic all around this past month. The renos, the family visit, doing my taxes, the juggling multiple jobs and a surprising number of auditions lately have left me feeling a tad drained. All good things, mind you, so I'm not complaining, but I'm looking forward to the opening & run of Re:Union at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival so I can take one thing off my plate. It's a fantastic show that I am incredibly proud to be involved with so I hope you will be able to check it out.
I was hoping to get back to blogging a bit more, but there just didn't seem to be much to write about. June is gearing up to be one very exciting month though so there will be much more happening in these pages soon.
Stay tuned!