I've had a fairly long break this past month from The Little Prince and my regular blogging schedule definitely suffered for it. It's not like I didn't have anything else on the go, but my creative drive to write was sapped by various admin work and tax prep. last week, we started performing again and it's been great! Better than great, actually. You'd think that after a month off we'd be a bit lost and shaky, but the show is actually better than its ever been. We know it so well now that we can have way more fun. In my case, I'm also able to sharpen many of my character transitions; something that I have always had trouble mastering. I've heard from multiple sources that it takes at least 50 performances of a piece before it really hits its stride and I believe it.
And now... we're done.
What? Already? I don't believe it! Four months have just flown by. I'm so thrilled to have been working on this show with the awesome team from Monster Theatre. Not to mention Winter in Vancouver has been such a treat.
Well, we're not completely done quite yet. In early June, we're being flown out to Saskatoon for the Potash Corp Children's Festival of Saskatchewan and the company is already in talks for another tour next Winter. The future tour will be happening thanks in part to a great event called "Pacific Contact".
More on that in my next post!