My Own Personal Reboot


There isn't a day that goes by that my Facebook feed isn't inundated with announcements of film franchise reboots. Now, the cynic in me knows that this is a blatant cash grab toying with our feelings of nostalgia, but the artist in me has started thinking differently. I think we just love to tell stories and every time we just want to see if we can add our mark to the tale and make it "better". When it comes to film, the internet goes into an uproar whenever a reboot is announced. Didn't Spiderman just come out last year? Why should I see this again?

But in theatre, the attitude is different. I've seen 7 different productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Not because it's my favourite Shakespearean play - that would be A Comedy of Errors, which I've seen twice and is actually a reboot of The Brothers Manaechmi - but because I wanted to see what could be done with it this time. Like kids around a campfire telling ghost stories around a couple making out in a car with a serial killer on the loose... how's it going to end this time?

Which brings me back, as most things do these days, to Roller Derby Saved My Soul. My former stage manager is sure to grown when I say this, but I'm still doing rewrites. I still want to tell a better story. As some of you know, I undertook some pretty massive revisions of the script this past spring. And yes, I am happy with them, but... There were still a few areas that were bugging me.

The completionist in me hates going on tour with what I might consider an "unfinished" product, but the artist in me has been patiently waiting for inspiration to strike. After all, creating your own work is a fluid process. Yesterday I performed in the lovely community of Cochrane while on break from the Calgary Fringe for a special event called Fringe on the Ranche.

Backstage selfie with Bradley for the Me & my Monkey/Roller Derby Saved My Soul double-bill in Cochrane.

I was really proud of that show. It felt like my strongest performance to date and plenty of new discoveries were made. This morning, after chatting with my new documentary team member who had just seen the show for the first time, it finally hit me. I knew exactly what I wanted to change and I have the perfect opportunity tonight at the Fringe to try it out.

I'm scared, of course, but what is art without exploration? I just want to tell a "better" story.