Nancy's Must-See List at the 2014 Ottawa Fringe


time flies

Creative Commons LicenseRobert Couse-Baker via Compfight

Well, here we are on our last day at the Montreal Fringe. I have one last performance of Roller Derby Saved My Soul tonight at 9:30 p.m. where I will close the MainLine Theatre, before heading off to the Cabaret du Mile End for what I am sure will be one heck of an after-party. It's weird. No matter how many times I told myself I would be going to bed at before 5 a.m. every night, somehow that almost never happened...

But that's a blog post for another day. In the meantime, as we get ready to head back to Ottawa and start filming the last main group we will be following throughout our documentary, Martin Dockery & Vanessa Quesnelle, I have put together a list of shows that I am really looking forward to catching in the very limited amount of time I have in town.

Honestly, this is just my personal opinion, so it should be taken with a Grain of Salt (see what I did there?). If a show isn't on the list, it doesn't mean it's not good and if a show is on this list, it doesn't mean it's any better. For most of these, I simply have no idea and I've decided to stay away from reviews. Also, you may simply not like what I like. But I do know certain things from my past experience On the Fringe (see what I did there?). I'm like the hooker friend who teaches the Pretty Woman a thing or two about hooking up with Richard Gere... I think that's how that movie goes. It's been a long time since I've seen it.

Anyway, without further ado, please don't hate me, and go see:


One of the few Ottawa shows I've actually seen, I caught Jessica Fitzpatrick's show in Halifax last year. My first reaction after seeing the show was a big ol' fuck you. Fuck you for being so incredibly funny, talented, gorgeous and so damn young to boot. Oh and to top it all off, she had to go and be an awesome person too! Gah! Yup, this show made me grin from ear to ear and, pushing all those envious feelings aside, Ms. Fitzpatrick became one of my closest gal pals on the road. I'm still hoping some of her sparkling energy rubs off on me. See this show if only to see the show I'm totally jealous of. You'll be smiling too.

Chase and Stacey Present: Joyride

You haven't met Stacey yet, Ottawa, but you remember Chase from  6 Guitars if you were able to even get tickets to that one. Honestly, don't make that mistake again. This show is probably already selling out and if it isn't it damn well should be.

First Words

The big return to the stage of Natalie Joy Quesnel, former Ottawa Fringe Executive Producer, in her own one-woman show no less! I am very excited to see this one and support Natalie and her work.


Because you shouldn't be afraid of French shows and trying something new.

2 Ruby Knockers, 1 Jaded Dick: A Dirk Darrows Investigation

Saw it in London. Was lots of fun and won a few awards. An evening of easy entertainment for sure.


Super curious about this one. I've never seen a show created by Nicholas Amott before and it is probably time to rectify that situation.


From the folks that brought you the super popular Duck Wife a few years ago, which I missed. I've heard great buzz about this from Montreal, so I don't want to miss out on what may be another hot show.

Kitt and Jane: An Interactive Survival Guide to the Near Post-Apocalyptic Future

Because all the feelings.

Silent Party Interlude

Another show I saw in London that made my heart all gooey. I also can't wait to download Devon's EP.

Who Killed Gertrude Crump

Monster Theatre is back, this time with the incredible Tara Travis and a whackload of puppets.


Ok, that's already ten shows and I still haven't told you to check out jem rolls and the barrage of Martin Dockery-ness at the festival - slightly biased as they are included in my documentary, but that doesn't make them any less talented. Plus, I know there's Jayson McDonald show somewhere in there but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it as it doesn't fall under his usual Stars and Hearts banner. I also haven't even touched on the barrage of hometown heroes who are sure to delight: Dave Brown & Ray Besharah, Tim Oberholzer, Richard Hemphill, the Dead Unicorn gang, Tess McManus, Nicolas Alain, the ladies of Rachel and Zoe... ZOMG! So much Fringe and so little time! Seriously, just stop reading this now, grab your beer mug and head on down to the tent.

I'll be seeing most of you there on Tuesday!