Join the Team?

Wow, I am simply floored right now with the response to my request for help from yesterday! I hadn't even created the job description or given out any kind of salary information and yet I received a slew of offers, all from very talented individuals, telling me they want to work with me. Gosh, I wish I had the money to hire every single one of them. I would create an unstoppable ûber team! Only with more super strong ladies and less sexy men I'd like to get it on with.

This response forced me to sit down and immediately start typing out what I need... which proved to be a tad more difficult than I expected. You see, I find it very difficult to let go of things that I have been working on forever, no matter how much more efficient it would be to do so. I'm also trying to picture where I want my little company, Broken Turtle Productions, to go next.

Since this is an incredibly new thing for me to do, I've decided to take a somewhat unorthodox step. Basically, the person who is selected for the job will help create the position they will be working in. Which is why I have decided to meet with every serious candidate in person over coffee to figure out who I would like to work with. And if they are not in town, we will Skype.

A lot of coffee will be ingested, but I am prepared to make that sacrifice.

What will we talk about? You, mostly. Who you are, where you're from, why you got involved in theatre, where you see yourself in a few years, what you bring to the table, ect. And me; as in why do you want to work with me?

And just so you're not working in a complete void, a little bit of information about the year to come: My main show, Roller Derby Saved My Soul will be going on an 8-city tour this summer, possibly more, and I will be producing a feature-length documentary of the tour. I am also looking at producing my other show, the site-specific, French, Dolores in Montreal and I'm in talks to turn Dolores into a short-film. With all this, I would also like to start creating again.

Things I know I will need help with for sure include marketing & media relations, newsletter management (I'd like to finally get that up and running), translation (so excellent skills in French would be a definite asset, but don't be scared as it is not the be-all end-all), general admin, tour management, grant writing, sponsorship & fundraising, community relations, production management, web updates... Again, I don't expect to find one person who can do ALL these things (though if you exist, where have you been all my life?), but one person who could do SOME of these things. And this list isn't exhaustive. If you have skills and abilities I haven't considered, please let me know! Perhaps what I really need in my life is someone who can juggle.

The job would mostly start in the new year. Hours will be random, so I'm looking for someone flexible who can multitask; someone who can work in high-stress environments without losing their head or their positive attitude; someone passionate, driven, who likes to have fun, because, after all, this should be fun. We're making art!

Salary to be discussed with the successful applicant.

So, if after reading all this you are still interested, please send a resume to info at nancykenny dot ca by Sunday, December 8th. For those of you who have already informed me of your interest, I will be in touch.