About a week ago, over coffee with a friend, I mentioned how great it was to know what I was going to be doing with my summer, but that I had no clue what I would be doing for the next couple of months. No sooner stated that I arrived home to the following Facebook message from a friend and colleague: "Hey, are you still in Ottawa?" Me: "Kind of." (Which isn't a lie as I no longer have a home base and, let's be honest, did I ever really leave Ottawa?)
Turns out my friend had lost an actor for an upcoming play he was producing and he wanted to know if I would be available to take over. Now, this is a guy I have been dying to work with for quite some time now, so saying yes was a no brainer. Not only that, the play is in French, fulfilling a life-long dream of working professionally in my native tongue in a show that I did not have to produce myself... even though it turns out I may actually be speaking in English for most of it. Did I say the play was in French? It's actually a bilingual play.
It's a new creation by a local Ottawa company called le Groupe des 2. The show is called Pop Fiction and it has been a few years in the making. I don't know how much I can say, because I don't want to spoil the story, but it's a very cool project with a sci-fi bent that makes my inner nerd-girl squeeee. It will play at the end of January at Arts Court in Ottawa with rehearsals starting at the end of November.
Basically, this means I'm moving back to Ottawa until at least early February. I have a place lined up with some very cool theatre folks and, after almost a year on the road, I can't say I'm not excited to stop in one place, even for just a few months - though I already have plans to head to New York City again and will be visiting family back in New Brunswick over the Holidays, so my hobosapien ways will still be nourished.
If you would like to know more about the show, I recommend you check out the Indiegogo Campaign they've got going on (and maybe even donate a few dollars to the cause). Like I said, it's a super cool concept, but it does need the funds in order to pull it off, so every little bit helps.
In the meantime, Ottawa, get yourself ready. I'm coming home.