A lot of big changes are happening for me one right after the other. I'm newly single. I'm moving out of my apartment in Toronto and away from my super awesome roommate. And as of earlier today, I left my agent and find myself self-represented for the first time in years.
I'm cleaning house all over the place and I am scared, but through the shake and tears, I know this is all for the best.
On Thursday, I head back to Ottawa, which will be my home base again for the foreseeable future. In the next few months, I will be rehearsing and presenting Dolores at the Ottawa Fringe Festival and taking part in everything the Magnetic North Theatre Festival has to offer - including presenting my little skating show to industry professionals during the Arts Marketplace as part of the MNTF Industry Series.
And speaking of Roller Derby Saved My Soul, I've got a big announcement coming on June 5th. Let's just say I went from thinking I wasn't going to be doing anything this summer, to getting that cross-Canada tour I wanted after all. If you would like to see Roller Derby Saved My Soul come to a town near you, please send an email to info at nancy kenny dot ca for details on how to make that happen. But much more on that later.
So here I am, sitting in a mess of clothes and boxes, a scared, but free agent. This summer, I do it my way.