My day job is done and I have returned from a much needed vacation feeling refreshed and ready to go. Ok, that last part is a lie. Although my vacation, the first in almost three years, was pretty incredible, I have come home feeling anxious and overwhelmed about the various projects I have on the go and things I feel I "need" to do.
I try and counteract this feeling by waking up at the same time I did when going to the day job and, after a few snoozes, getting right to work. Mornings are filled with emails and research, afternoons with auditions and prep work, evenings include shows (both through Summerworks and Pilot Week at the Comedy Bar) and other social obligations. And somewhere in there I try find time to work out, clean the apartment and eat.
So far so good. The anxiousness usually leaves me early on, but unfortunately it keeps coming back. I've got a lot of things on my mind, but I try dealing with them all one at a time. Giving myself a schedule definitely helps. So does avoiding taking on additional responsibilities.
Since I don't have the day job anymore, it's very tempting to take on every small job that gets thrown my way. I'm on the call list for a variety of promotion companies and, since there are a lot of events happening during the summer, have been getting regular work offers over the past two weeks.
I need to trust that I am ok right now when it comes to money, for the next little while anyway, and that I chose this life change because I wanted to work on my own projects, not someone else's.
In the meantime, expect more frequent blog updates as I navigate these new waters and, if you haven't done so already, please check out my fundraising campaign for Roller Derby Saved My Soul by clicking on the image below. 14 days and counting!