Cool People Doing Cool Things

Meet Joanna Maracle. Joanna and I met last year when I auditioned for a student commercial project she was working on at Humber College.  Her skill level and professionalism really impressed me and I was thrilled when she later asked me to read for a short student film she was producing.  That last project, entitled The Sheppard, was a blast to work on (and having just watched a picture locked version of it, I can tell you it looks pretty damn good too!) and I would drop everything to work with that gang again.  That's why it's with great pleasure that I let you know of another project that Joanna is working on.

She is currently the Volunteer Captain for the Female Eye Film Festival, Ontario’s one and only annual international independent film Festival showcasing films directed by women, which will be taking place from March 28th to April 1st in Toronto.

She is currently looking for volunteers and would love to have you as part of her team.  If I wasn't going to be in Ottawa for rehearsals, I would sign up myself.  Details below:


THE 10th ANNUAL FEMALE EYE FILM FESTIVAL, March 28th - April 1st, 2012 (Toronto, Ontario)

The Female Eye Film Festival (FeFF), a registered not for profit organization, celebrates its 10th Anniversary edition, March 28th - April 1st, 2012.  The Female Eye is a competitive annual women directors film festival. The FeFF simply couldn't offer such a broad range of initiatives without the impressive skills and commitment of our volunteers. We are grateful for the ongoing contribution made by our many volunteer teams.

THE FEMALE EYE IS ACTIVELY RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Hosts: Program hosts are wanted for theatre screenings. Hosts greet the audience, introduce the film program and moderate the audience Q & A's with the filmmakers in attendance following the screenings. Film programs are 120 min in duration. Hosts must have a deep appreciation for independent cinema and must be knowledgeable in regards to the status of women directors.

Volunteer Coordinator: The Volunteer Coordinator ensures that volunteer information forms are complete and up to date with volunteer contact information, and assists the Volunteer Captain with her duties via the dissemination of information.

General Volunteers: The FeFF seeks ushers for film screenings, as well as, volunteers who can assist with the set -up and tear down of the media /registration suite, panel discussions, script readings, round table discussions and Best In The Biz Tribute Series.

All industry sessions take place at the Novotel Toronto Centre.(45 The Esplanade, TORONTO, ON).

Photographers: We seek creative and talented photographers to capture the energy of awards nights, panel discussions, opening and closing ceremonies, and more.

Drivers: The FeFF needs capable G class drivers with excellent records to help in the transportation outof-town special guests as well as the safe transport of festival equipment and supplies.

DONATIONS: We seek articulate, communicative volunteers who are able to solicit donations/gifts for the VIP Registration/ GIFT Bags.

STREET TEAM (PR & Marketing) The FeFF seeks individuals who can disseminate flyers, postcards and provide ticket give-aways to local businesses in the GTA two weeks prior to the event.

NEW Volunteer or a past Festival Volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering at this years festival please email or

FEMALE EYE FILM FESTIVAL (FeFF) "Always honest, not always pretty" 10th Anniversary, March 28th - April 1st, 2012 Female Eye Headquarters • 905. 264-7731 50 Wallace Street, Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 2P3, Canada