Dear Hamilton Fringe, it's only Day 2 and you're already wiping me out! After a great tech on Tuesday and the next two days spent working on sound, making programs, flyers and other such doodads, my stage manager and I took the GO Train from Union Station to the Opening Night party of the Festival. Armed with a pocketful of flyers and some cool matching tank tops, we were ready to rock.
I have to say, the Fringe does throw a lovely party. Great food, really nice people, what more can you ask for? How about watching two awesome shows? The great thing about this Fringe is that if there are still seats left in the audience, your performer pass lets you get in for free.
First up, was Minced, an incredibly funny and moving two-hander about a mother and a daughter that I just didn't want to see end. Then, we stuck around for An Inconvenient Truthiness directed by my friend Laura Anne Harris of Pitch Blond fame. It's a cute show and a true story about one woman's fandom and how it can go horribly wrong. Really got me thinking about my public persona and what I put out on my blog.
We raced to the Go Station right after in order to catch the late ride home, but while my SM dozed in the seat beside me, my mind was racing. I had finally watched the movie Whip It! earlier in the day and that, combined with watching shows that inspire, finally got my writer's juices flowing for the first time since Ottawa Fringe. I stayed up most of the night writing in some new scenes for a show that opened in less than 24 hours...
An early trip to Hammercity this morning to collect last minute props and work out some more technical stuff and I found myself having a small anxiety attack before the show.
All for naught, of course. The show went off brilliantly and without a hitch, the new scene adds some much needed exposition to the script, and the small but very appreciative audience ate the whole thing up.
But too much sun and adrenaline fumes draining out of me faster than I could possibly imagine meant that I had nothing more to give. I left my wonderful SM - slash - producer in Hamilton and I headed home. I've got an early workshop in the morning before what will be another incredible show at 8:30 pm - 28 Rebecca Street, Hamilton, Ontario.
I hope to see you there!