To be honest, I thought the hardest part about producing my own Fringe show would be finding the money ahead of time to do it. Obviously, I jinxed myself and the Universe threw my hubris back into my face with a big giant "Oh yeah?" And now, I find myself without a director for my one-woman show - Roller Derby Saved My Soul. My previous director left for completely legitimate family reasons, but still, I am now in a pretty delicate position with little over a month until opening.
So, I put it out there to you in the blogosphere. Do you know of a good, professional director with experience in solo performance and/or physical theatre who might be interested in directing a new work for the Ottawa Fringe Festival this June? This is a project that falls under a profit-share agreement through the CAEA Festival Policy. I can't promise much money, but I can promise some challenging and creative work and a most-awesome stage manager.
If interested or have any questions, please email me at nancyjkenny at yahoo dot com. If I am not familiar with your work, please send along a resume and relevant experience.
Thank you!
Not a director but still want to help out? Donations to the project are much much much appreciated!