In the past, when I wasn't working I was usually on employment insurance. All that ended in early January, coincidentally right around the time I started rehearsals for Little Martyrs. You could say that I've been a contract worker ever since. This is definitely a new situation for me, having absolutely no guaranteed income coming in, but it's not a bad thing. My focus is shifting to projects that really interest me and, somehow, the work is coming my way. Thanks to the work I did as an intern last year at the Great Canadian Theatre Company, I was offered a small audience development project (a topic that many of you regular readers to this blog know absolutely fascinates me). And a two week marketing job last summer with Odyssey Theatre has led to a full-time contract that starts tomorrow until the end of July.
The beauty of it all is that these contracts still offer me an incredible amount of flexibility. If I had to choose between more money and the flexibility to work from home, flexibility will win every time. I'm not an office girl. I'm a mover, a shaker... a bit of a cliche too apparently. It's 6:30 pm on a Sunday and I am all alone inside the GCTC because that's when I have the drive and the time to work.
I've always been an odd one.