Hoedown in Cowtown

The Last Goddamned Performance Piece has come to a close in Calgary.  We had some great houses throughout the run, as well as some amazing reviews in the Calgary Herald (four stars) and the Fast Forward (no star system there). My favourite pull quotes include:

Meuser and Kenny both delivered such strong, confident, funny performances - Stephen Hunt, Calgary Helrad

But nothing rings truer than the quiet moments in this play, showing fragmented scenes of a relationship so honest that it couldn’t be anything but. This is one to watch, and then watch again to see what you missed. - Richard Lam, Fast Forward

Heck, the Calgary Herald even added us to the list of Fringe shows to see along with Best in Fest Winner Gemma Wilcox (I can't seem to find the link to that one anymore, but it felt pretty sweet at the time).

We had good houses for most of the run, though I did feel shafted by TWO 3 p.m. weekday matinees.  We in fact closed on a 3 p.m. performance this past Friday with only 6 people in attendance, not a single one of which paid.  The show was still solid, it just would have been nicer to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.

I didn't have too much time to think about that though.  When I was away visiting family, my scene partner was "kind enough" to sign me up for the Fringe Club Burlesque night without my knowledge.

I'd never done burlesque before.  And from the show I got to see earlier in the week, I really did not see the difference between it and stripping, except that your nipples are covered.  If I won't do "a live sex show for $15 a ticket" what makes you think I would do that for free?

Fortunately, the lovely Cameryn Moore (of Phone Whore fame) came to my rescue.  She explained that burlesque is supposed to have a story and be titillating.  We paired up and she came up with a little "script" for us to perform to Missy Elliot's Fake Spender.  She was going to play the guy who's throwing his cash around and I was going to be the girl who is totally attracted to that, until I realize he doesn't have any money.

We had no time to prepare, but it was still pretty awesome!  So many people came to tell us how much they enjoyed it after.  Note to self: if that's what burlesque really is, maybe I should look into it some more.  I don't know if there were any pictures or video taken.  Someone please let me know if there were.

Today, I get to hang out and watch shows before the big closing party tonight.

Stay tuned for some more blog posts on Promoting Yourself at the Fringe & my list of the Top Ten Things I Loved About the Calgary Fringe!