Wouldn't Miss It For the World

I love June. It's my favorite time of year. It marks the beginning of Summer Camp Fringe Festival season. This week, the Ottawa Fringe Festival launched it's new season and I couldn't be more excited! You can read up on some of the wonderful new developments in store all over the web, but I'll also make a point of commenting about it here over the next few days. Also, stay tuned for my 2010 list of Must-See Shows at this year's festival. It was my most popular blog post last year and I'll be putting one out soon as I now have my hands on the program.


"But Nancy, aren't you in Morrisburg appearing in a show at the Upper Canada Playhouse from June 10th to July 4th? How will you get to enjoy the Fringe since it runs from June 17th to 27th?"

Really, people, I'm Nancy Kenny. Do you think I'm going to let a little thing like "time" and "space" prevent me from doing something?

I've performed in every single Ottawa Fringe Festival since 2002. I'm not going to miss out on it now.

I'm going on tour with a Fringe show this summer. We'll be in Calgary and, hopefully, Edmonton. The show is actually taking place in Ottawa as well, but since I am performing out of town another lovely lady will be taking on my role... that is... mostly.

The show is called the Last Godamned Performance Piece. It was written by the amazing Jayson McDonald and is going up in Venue 5 - Studio Leonard-Beaulne.

As I do not want to arrive in Calgary without having ever performed in front of an audience, I will be appearing for ONE NIGHT ONLY in one of the performances of this show.

That's right, ladies and gents, Nancy Kenny will be appearing at the Ottawa Fringe Festival (in an actual show instead of just the beer tent) on Sunday, June 20th at 11 p.m. in the Studio. Mark your calendars now!

Also, I'm very honoured to have been asked to participate in one of the of the amazing lunchtime artist series. This pay-what-you-can event will take place on June 25th at noon.

And of course, my insanity does not end there. Though it will be impossible for me to beat my record viewing of 35 shows from last year, with so much going on, you can be sure I'm going to try and squeeze as much as I can into a limited time-frame.

See you in the Beer Tent (both the real one and the show!)