The First Day of School (Part 2)

For Part 1, click on the link. It's so beautiful out, many people are sitting outside the theatre. They say hello and smile. Everyone is really nice. The stage manager starts giving me a tour. There's snacks. I quickly realize as I sit down for our first read that everyone here knows each other and have multiple shows at this theatre under their belts.

I'm the new kid.

And the new kid gets to say the first line in the play. No pressure.

Personal insecurities aside, we have fun. The play is called The Amorous Ambassador. It's a farce with an eight person cast and we laugh a lot throughout.

Then, after the break, we do something I've never experienced before on the first day of rehearsal: we move onto the set. Though the finishing touches aren't there, since we're the first show in this theatre company's season, the set already built onto the stage and we immediately start blocking (i.e. deciding where we will be walking across the stage) the show. Since, like any good farce, there are a million entrances and exits, this is a very good thing.

I'm thrilled and shocked at the same time. We're just going to do this? Now?!? Alrighty then.

I take one look at my "boyfriend" in the show. We do a lot of kissing right off the top.

"So, uh, should we just do the smooching now?" He responds with an "I was just going to ask you about that."

We decide it's best to, ahem, dive right in. No, literally, I dive right on top of him at one point.

I just met this person less than three hours ago. My life is awesomely weird.

We spend the rest of the day blocking through the first half of the show. We have all sorts of rehearsal props to play with. It's so great not to have to mime anything. I wish I was off-book (i.e. knew all my lines) right now so I could play more. I try my best to just enjoy myself and not let my doubts and insecurities get the better of me when I have to repeat something over and over again (You know the inside voice: Did I do something wrong? Why is my voice so high-pitched? What does he mean when he says keep the line up? Everyone knows what they're doing! What am I doing here? Where am I?)

We finish an hour early. The director beams at me. "Good job! Wasn't that fun?"

I giggle. Yeah. It totally was!

The drive back is just as lovely as the drive there. Regardless of the record heat wave, the waterfront air is cool. I'm back in town right on time for an Evolution Theatre meeting. I duck into Arts Court and take a few minutes to freshen up before heading into the Market. I actually know where all the clean bathrooms are in downtown Ottawa. My life is so glamorous.

The meeting was great. There is so much going on with this theatre company that I can't wait to discuss. Stay tuned for more this coming June.

Blissed out from such a wonderful day, I head back to my car. It's about 9 p.m. I feel light because I suddenly realize that, for the first time in a long time, I don't have to do any work once I get home. And that's when the day, the sun, the fun all catches up to me. As I sit in the car, I feel the fatigue wash over me. I drive home. I take Montreal Rd. because it has more character than the highway. It's so peaceful, I don't want to stop. Sorry environmentalists, but I really enjoy driving.

As I get home, I remind myself that I get to do this all over again tomorrow and pull into my parking spot.

I take a shower. As the cold water hits my back and my muscles relax, I start to cry because I am so happy.

This is why I do this.