I am now a week and a half into my new job at the Great Canadian Theatre Company. Now, this is a pretty sweet gig as Joe-jobs go. First of all, it combines my love of theatre with my love of social media into a geektacular sandwich that these days tastes like the best cupcakes ever made. It offers some great flexibility for when acting projects come up and I get to define a lot of what my role within the company is. There are some great people to work with and some sweet benefits like an Eco Pass, free coffee (well, technically free), and leftover food from opening nights. (Side Note: Ahem. I'm a simple person. I will work for food, drinks and transportation. Please don't tell the union!) All in all, I like my job.
That said, even after being here this long, my body has not gotten used to this 9 to 5 lifestyle. It involves a lot of sitting and this little thing called "waking up in the morning." Also, I still haven't found the best way to balance the job with everything else I'm doing in my life. Currently, I'm incredibly exhausted and could probably use a couple days off to decompress, but instead I'm going to be spending my weekend doing a workshop, watching shows and writing grant applications (in addition to regular housework that needs to be done, some focus on my Mary Kay business, going over lines with my scene partner for another workshop I'm involved with, and any other thing that inevitably always come up).
I hate to say it, but I need to start cutting back. Forty hours a week are now missing from my regularly scheduled programming which means it's time to change the channel. (What? That doesn't even make sense. Man, I really do need rest.) I need to start prioritizing, work towards those goals and take out anything that isn't relevant.
This pretty much means that I *gasp* can't go out as much anymore.