There's a little-known concept that I only recently became familiar with at Fringe Festivals at that is the "Fringe Crush". The amazing Emily Pearlman gives a fantastic description of the phenomenon on the Ottawa Fringe Festival blog, so I will give you a moment to click on the link and familiarize yourself before reading the rest of my diatribe here.
In her post, Miss Pearlman claims that the Fringe Crush is a wonderful way of getting rid of the stress in your life by shifting your focus. I, unfortunately, would like to disagree.
After hearing about the Fringe Crush earlier in the week, I began to panic in the same way Amy Salloway did in Heebs and Dweebs when she was 6 and everyone in her class was "getting married".
"What do you mean I have to have a Fringe Crush?" "Nancy! You can't not have a Fringe Crush!!! Everyone's got one! You better hurry up or all the good ones will be taken!"
But who?
Last year, it turns out I did have a Fringe Crush, but that person is not currently in attendance so that's a bust... Maybe I should do like Miss Pearlman and pick the one who helped me poster? Though I should probably pick someone with an accent, right? Cuz accents are hawt. Or maybe I should keep it local? Or from a really great show I saw... And what about the ladies?!? I can't discriminate against a potential Fringe Crush based on gender alone!
What the hell am I going to do?!?
I guess, in all honesty, I don't need to pick just one... After all, on Sunday night, during Chats with Cat, she will be revealing her Top 10 Fringe Crushes. I think I could pick ten people too.
Number one on the list? WhyEmily Pearlman, of course.